Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Das radikal Böse / The banality of evil - Jan Theuninck, 2013

eine Maximalform des Bösen ohne jede Beschränkung

Das radikal Böse ist das, was nicht hätte passieren dürfen, und das, woran man auch nicht schweigend vorübergehen darf.(Hannah Arendt)

Die Spur des Bösen ist eine breite Lache. Sie ist Konsens, mörderischer Konsens!

Nichts ist eines Kulturvolkes unwürdiger als sich ohne Widerstand von einer verantwortungslosen und dunklen Trieben ergebenden Herrscherclique „regieren“ zu lassen.“ Sophie Scholl 9. Mai 1921 - 22. Februar 1943

The sad truth is that most evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be good or evil

... l’homme le plus banal, dont la médiocrité intellectuelle et morale se suffit de l’occasion pour exceller au service de l’état (Hannah Arendt, Das radikal Böse)

De Holocaust kon plaatsvinden omdat de nazi's het hele proces in stukjes hadden gebureaucratiseerd, waarbij niemand, behalve Hitler, verantwoordelijk was voor het geheel en ieder alleen maar voor een enkel klein onderdeel

The idea that we were commodities and Hidden Human Assets waiting to be tapped sent me on a twenty year course of resistance and dedication to exposing them (Niki Friedrich Raapana, June 9 2021)
Het kwaad is nu zo geïnstitutionaliseerd in de Westerse wereld dat het lijkt alsof ons lot hopeloos is. De mensen zijn blind voor wat hun wordt aangedaan, en hun blindheid maakt hen machteloos. Velen haasten zich zelfs tot de verdediging van hen die hen vernietigen.

Severe personality problems find *camouflage.* No one thinks "I'm a sadist" or "I'm a malignant narcissist."
They find a belief system/social group that validates their most hateful, destructive impulses & construes them as virtues.
The most toxic and hateful people in the world are 100% convinced they fight for what is true and right.
For colleagues looking for more theoretical explanation, the psychological processes are splitting, projection & projective identification. Splitting means not recognizing one's own capacity for hate, cruelty, and destructiveness. The person is blind to the bad in themselves.
Instead, they project the badness onto some designated other. And this other person, via the defense of projection, is now seen as the repository of all that is bad and evil and necessary to destroy. That's the projection.
The person now feels fully justified in unleashing
their viciousness and hate on the other person, who is now seen (via projection) as someone monstrous who must be destroyed. If the person who is projected on responds to the provocation with anger, this is now seen as further confirmation of how hateful and destructive they are (this is what is called is "projective identification.") The end result is that the person can deny their own sadism, cruelty, and hate—while simultaneously acting it out without restraint. And feel themselves to be 100% on the side of truth and right as they do it.
Prof Jonathan Shedler

“…the main fallacy that prevents people from recognizing potential Hitlers before they have shown their true colors… lies in the belief that a thoroughly destructive and evil man must be a devil – and look like one; that he must bear the mark of Cain so visibly that everyone can recognize his destructiveness from afar. Such devils exist, but they are rare... much more often the intensely destructive person will put on a facade of friendliness... he will talk about his ideals and good intentions... So as long as one believes that the bad man has horns, one will not discover a bad man. ” – Erich Fromm, The Anatomy of Human Destructiveness