Friday, June 12, 2020

Monaco - Jan Theuninck, 2020

Post-truth society - Jan Theuninck, 2020

The day truth became hate speech

De term post-truth society heeft betrekking op een samenleving waarin machthebbers voornamelijk beroep doen op de emoties van de publieke opinie in plaats van op objectieve feiten. Wat al dan niet de waarheid is, is van secundair belang.
The term post-truth society refers to a society in which rulers mainly appeal to the emotions of public opinion rather than objective facts. What may or may not be the truth is of secondary importance.

“Dismiss anything else, we will continue to be your single source of truth” Jacinda Ardern, PM New Zealand
"reject the evidence of your eyes and ears, that was their final and most important command" George Orwell

Censorship - Jan Theuninck, 2020

This work describes the current situation on social media where Western countries impose cultural ànd political censorship by proxy on their citizens.
It must be compared with the witch hunt of the Nazi regime

Il s'agit à présent de massifier la censure en contournant les procédures judiciaires et en l'automatisant (Félix Tréguer)

 It is based on personal experience (my tweets are hidden under the message "offensive tweet", Flickr removed my painting "Dein Kampf" as a group photo (I replaced it with "Das radikal Böse"), on Facebook I regularly cannot request personal profiles, the operation of my PC is sabotaged, etc.