"De ellende komt nooit van de stratenmaker of de vuilnisophaler, maar altijd van hoogopgeleide intellectuelen. Die willen een utopie vestigen en zijn bereid om daarvoor elke prijs te betalen: vooral door anderen" (rabbijn Tamarah Benima) "The misery never comes from the road builder or the garbage collector, but always from highly educated intellectuals. They want to establish a utopia and are prepared to pay any price for it: especially through others" (Rabbi Tamarah Benima)
Wednesday, November 30, 2016
Utopia - Jan Theuninck, 2016
"De ellende komt nooit van de stratenmaker of de vuilnisophaler, maar altijd van hoogopgeleide intellectuelen. Die willen een utopie vestigen en zijn bereid om daarvoor elke prijs te betalen: vooral door anderen" (rabbijn Tamarah Benima) "The misery never comes from the road builder or the garbage collector, but always from highly educated intellectuals. They want to establish a utopia and are prepared to pay any price for it: especially through others" (Rabbi Tamarah Benima)
Thursday, November 17, 2016
Friday, September 2, 2016
Thursday, September 1, 2016
Tuesday, August 23, 2016
Civilisation - Jan Theuninck, 2016
La peinture belge du XXe siècle à nos jours: année 2016
Wednesday, August 10, 2016
Compassion - Jan Theuninck, 2016 / 慈悲宪章 - 2016
The principle of compassion lies at the heart of all religious, ethical and spiritual traditions, calling us always to treat all others as we wish to be treated ourselves. Compassion impels us to work tirelessly to alleviate the suffering of our fellow creatures, to dethrone ourselves from the centre of our world and put another there, and to honour the inviolable sanctity of every single human being, treating everybody, without exception, with absolute justice, equity and respect.
It is also necessary in both public and private life to refrain consistently and empathically from inflicting pain. To act or speak violently out of spite, chauvinism, or self-interest, to impoverish, exploit or deny basic rights to anybody, and to incite hatred by denigrating others - even our enemies - is a denial of our common humanity. We acknowledge that we have failed to live compassionately and that some have even increased the sum of human misery in the name of religion.
We therefore call upon all men and women ~ to restore compassion to the centre of morality and religion ~ to return to the ancient principle that any interpretation of scripture that breeds violence, hatred or disdain is illegitimate ~ to ensure that youth are given accurate and respectful information about other traditions, religions and cultures ~ to encourage a positive appreciation of cultural and religious diversity ~ to cultivate an informed empathy with the suffering of all human beings, even those regarded as enemies.
We urgently need to make compassion a clear, luminous and dynamic force in our polarized world. Rooted in a principled determination to transcend selfishness, compassion can break down political, dogmatic, ideological and religious boundaries. Born of our deep interdependence, compassion is essential to human relationships and to a fulfilled humanity. It is the path to enlightenment, and indispensible to the creation of a just economy and a peaceful global compassion.
Des usages de la compassion (Le Monde Diplomatique, Décembre 2022)
Jan Theuninck
(1954- )
Though born after World War II in 1954, Jan Theuninck finds himself writing about the war and its aftermath. A poet and minimalist painter with a strong interest in social and political issues, Theuninck writes under his own name as well as the pen-name, ORC, a name he uses in honor of Raoul Wallenberg. Although Dutch is his mother tongue, he often writes in French. His work frequently appears in poetry journals and magazines internationally.
et nul mot sur eux est interdit
traités de crimes et de trahisons
ils ont été mis en prison
© by Jan Theuninck
Frans Masereel
A pacifist in World War I, Frans Masereel, tried to make his art accessible to the ordinary man. His works were banned by the Nazis and widely distributed in Communist countries. But he rejected "political" art and party affiliation, condemning all enslavements, oppression, war and violence, injustice, and the power of money. We present here some of his many works and witnesses.
The painter and graphic artist Frans Masereel was born in the Belgian town of Blankenberghe in 1889. In 1896 he moved to Gent, where he began to study art at the "Ecole des Beaux-Arts" in the class of Jean Delvin at the age of 18. In 1909 he travelled to England and Germany, where he was inspired to create his first etchings and woodcuts.
From 1911 Frans Masereel settled in Paris for four years and then emigrated to Switzerland, where he worked as a graphic artist for various journals and magazines. His woodcut series, which were mainly of sociocritical content and of expressionistic formal concept, gave Frans Masereel international acclaim. Among them were his so-called image novels including "Passion eines Menschen", "Mein Stundenbuch", "Die Sonne", "Die Idee" and "Geschichte ohne Worte", which all date from around 1920. At that time Frans Masereel also drew illustrations for famous works of world literature by Thomas Mann, Emile Zola and Stefan Zwei.
In 1921 the artist returned to Paris, where he created his famous street scenes, the Montmartre paintings. From 1925 Frans Masereel lived near Boulogne-sur-Mer, where he painted predominantly coastal landscapes, harbor views and protraits of sailors and fishermen. During the 1930s the number of illustrated books and individual woodcuts decreased considerably.
In 1940 the artist fled from Paris and lived in several locations in Southern France. At the end of World War II, Frans Masereel was able to resume his artistic work, which had been lying idle for years. He created woodcuttings and paintings. From 1946 Masereel worked for several years as a teacher at the "Centre des Métiers d'Art" in Saarbrücken. In 1949 he moved to Nice. In the following years until 1968 numerous woodcut series appeared, which differed from his earlier "novels in images" as they were no longer based on a continuous narrative but on variations of a subject.
Source: http://www.fransmasereel.com/
Examples of Frans Masereel's Woodcuts
During the Great War, Frans Masereel joined in the fight to stop the war, a hopeless struggle, given the general fervour. Ink drawings and woodcuts were his instruments, and his engravings were brought together in collections Arise, You Dead and The Dead Speak which are unequivocal denunciations of the blood-letting. Masereel simplifies, brutalizes, contrasting black and white. He takes scenes and photographs from the newspapers and in a drawing style all of his own, he takes suffering to unbearable extremes. Or he uses a macabre and fantastic style with two headless bodies carrying their heads on a stretcher, one with a French képi and the other with a German helmet. It is madness everywhere, a madness against which Masereel knows he is powerless.
Émile VerhaerenEmile Verhaeren was a Belgian poet, art critic and wrote short stories and verse plays. He was born at St Amand lez-Pueres, NC Belgium on May 21st of 1855. He studied law at the University of Louvain and while there started a journal, La Semaine, which was suppressed by the authorities as well as the following work Le Type. He was admitted to the bar at Brussels in 1881 but soon began devoting his time to literature, writing in French. He was soon one of the leading figures of the Belgian literary renaissance. His poetry hovers between powerful sensuality, as in Les Flamandes (1883) and the harrowing despair of Les Debacles (1888). Among his most notable works are La Multiple Splendeur (1906) and the five-part Tout la Flandre (1904-11). Source: PoemHunter.com: http://www.poemhunter.com/emile-verhaeren/biography/ In this play the Belgian poet, Emile Verhaeren, has voiced his hopes for the regeneration of human society. The city of Oppidomagne is beseiged by a hostile army, and the revolutionists in both armies conspire and revolt. The gates of the city are thrown open, and the end of war declared. A captain in the hostile army is speaking over the body of Hérénian, leader of the revolutionists in the city. I was his disciple, and his unknown friend. His books were my Bible. It is men like this who give birth to men like me, faithful, long obscure, but whom fortune permits, in one overwhelming hour, to realize the supreme dream of their master. If fatherlands are fair, sweet to the heart, dear to the memory, armed nations on the frontiers are tragic and deadly; and the whole world is yet bristling with nations. It is in their teeth that we throw them this example of our concord. (Cheers.) They will understand some day the immortal thing accomplished here, in this illustrious Oppidomagne, whence the loftiest ideas of humanity have taken flight, one after another, through all the ages. For the first time since the beginning of power, since brains have reckoned time, two races, one renouncing its victory, the other its humbled pride, are made one in an embrace. The whole earth must needs have quivered, all the blood, all the sap of the earth must have flowed to the heart of things. Concord and good will have conquered hate. (Cheers.) Human strife, in its form of bloodshed, has been gainsaid. A new beacon shines on the horizon of future storms. Its steady rays shall dazzle all eyes, haunt all brains, magnetize all desires. Needs must we, after all these trials and sorrows, come at last into port, to whose entrance it points the way, and where it gilds the tranquil masts and vessels. | ||
The Cathedral of Rheims
Monday, July 18, 2016
real security - Jan Theuninck, 2016 真正的安全
of an impossible right to health
Wednesday, June 22, 2016
refugee - Jan Theuninck, 2016
Monday, June 6, 2016
Friday, April 29, 2016
Saturday, April 9, 2016
Glasnost / Гласность / Transparency - Jan Theuninck, 2016
but it is not compatible with official blackmail practices
Гласность: максимальной открытости в деятельности государственных учреждений и свободы информации. (Википедия)
We defeated the Soviets, meanwhile a Stasi culture engulfs Europe... (Jan Theuninck, August 2009)
Our past is your future / Notre passé est votre futur(Vladimir Boukovski):
Glasnost in 2021
Saturday, April 2, 2016
Change - Jan Theuninck, 2016
Change everything so that nothing changes
Cambiare tutto affinché nulla cambi...
Alles ändern so das nichts ändert ...
....afin de satisfaire le désir de rupture partagé par de larges secteurs de la société mais sans remettre en question le statu quo.....(Raffaele Laudani, professeur d'histoire de la pensée politique à l'université de Bologne)
...to satisfy the desire to change shared by large sectors of society but without questioning the status quo ..... (Raffaele Laudani, professor of history of political thought at the University of Bologna)
an inconvenient truth….
Friday, February 19, 2016
Emotion - Jan Theuninck, 2016
(Anne-Cécile Robert)
Gouvernance par les algorithmes de reconaissance des émotions !!!
Power - Jan Theuninck, 2016
ze slaan eerst op jouw gezicht en dan zeggen ze dat je zelf begonnen bent...
biopower / control of populations
“We will not be silent. We are your bad conscience," wrote members of the White Rose student resistance group
Thursday, February 4, 2016
Manipulation - Jan Theuninck, 2016
Élément primordial du contrôle social, la stratégie de la diversion consiste à détourner l’attention du public des problèmes importants et des mutations décidées par les élites politiques et économiques, grâce à un déluge continuel de distractions et d’informations insignifiantes. La stratégie de la diversion est également indispensable pour empêcher le public de s’intéresser aux connaissances essentielles, dans les domaines de la science, de l’économie, de la psychologie, de la neurobiologie, et de la cybernétique. « Garder l’attention du public distraite, loin des véritables problèmes sociaux, captivée par des sujets sans importance réelle. Garder le public occupé, occupé, occupé, sans aucun temps pour penser; de retour à la ferme avec les autres animaux. » Extrait de « Armes silencieuses pour guerres tranquilles »
2/ Créer des problèmes, puis offrir des solutions
Cette méthode est aussi appelée « problème-réaction-solution ». On crée d’abord un problème, une « situation » prévue pour susciter une certaine réaction du public, afin que celui-ci soit lui-même demandeur des mesures qu’on souhaite lui faire accepter. Par exemple: laisser se développer la violence urbaine, ou organiser des attentats sanglants, afin que le public soit demandeur de lois sécuritaires au détriment de la liberté. Ou encore : créer une crise économique pour faire accepter comme un mal nécessaire le recul des droits sociaux et le démantèlement des services publics.
3/ La stratégie de la dégradation
Pour faire accepter une mesure inacceptable, il suffit de l’appliquer progressivement, en « dégradé », sur une durée de 10 ans. C’est de cette façon que des conditions socio-économiques radicalement nouvelles (néolibéralisme) ont été imposées durant les années 1980 à 1990. Chômage massif, précarité, flexibilité, délocalisations, salaires n’assurant plus un revenu décent, autant de changements qui auraient provoqué une révolution s’ils avaient été appliqués brutalement.
4/ La stratégie du différé
Une autre façon de faire accepter une décision impopulaire est de la présenter comme « douloureuse mais nécessaire », en obtenant l’accord du public dans le présent pour une application dans le futur. Il est toujours plus facile d’accepter un sacrifice futur qu’un sacrifice immédiat. D’abord parce que l’effort n’est pas à fournir tout de suite. Ensuite parce que le public a toujours tendance à espérer naïvement que « tout ira mieux demain » et que le sacrifice demandé pourra être évité. Enfin, cela laisse du temps au public pour s’habituer à l’idée du changement et l’accepter avec résignation lorsque le moment sera venu.
5/ S’adresser au public comme à des enfants en bas-âge
La plupart des publicités destinées au grand-public utilisent un discours, des arguments, des personnages, et un ton particulièrement infantilisants, souvent proche du débilitant, comme si le spectateur était un enfant en bas-âge ou un handicapé mental. Plus on cherchera à tromper le spectateur, plus on adoptera un ton infantilisant. Pourquoi ? «Si on s’adresse à une personne comme si elle était âgée de 12 ans, alors, en raison de la suggestibilité, elle aura, avec une certaine probabilité, une réponse ou une réaction aussi dénuée de sens critique que celle d’une personne de 12 ans». Extrait de «Armes silencieuses pour guerres tranquilles»
6/ Faire appel à l’émotionnel plutôt qu’à la réflexion
Faire appel à l’émotionnel est une technique classique pour court-circuiter l’analyse rationnelle, et donc le sens critique des individus. De plus, l’utilisation du registre émotionnel permet d’ouvrir la porte d’accès à l’inconscient pour y implanter des idées, des désirs, des peurs, des pulsions, ou des comportements…
7/ Maintenir le public dans l’ignorance et la bêtise
Faire en sorte que le public soit incapable de comprendre les technologies et les méthodes utilisées pour son contrôle et son esclavage. « La qualité de l’éducation donnée aux classes inférieures doit être la plus pauvre, de telle sorte que le fossé de l’ignorance qui isole les classes inférieures des classes supérieures soit et demeure incompréhensible par les classes inférieures. Extrait de « Armes silencieuses pour guerres tranquilles »
8/ Encourager le public à se complaire dans la médiocrité
Encourager le public à trouver « cool » le fait d’être bête, vulgaire, et inculte…
9/ Remplacer la révolte par la culpabilité
Faire croire à l’individu qu’il est seul responsable de son malheur, à cause de l’insuffisance de son intelligence, de ses capacités, ou de ses efforts. Ainsi, au lieu de se révolter contre le système économique, l’individu s’auto-dévalue et culpabilise, ce qui engendre un état dépressif dont l’un des effets est l’inhibition de l’action. Et sa Et sans action, pas de révolution!…
10/ Connaître les individus mieux qu’ils ne se connaissent eux-mêmes
Au cours des 50 dernières années, les progrès fulgurants de la science ont creusé un fossé croissant entre les connaissances du public et celles détenues et utilisées par les élites dirigeantes. Grâce à la biologie, la neurobiologie, et la psychologie appliquée, le « système » est parvenu à une connaissance avancée de l’être humain, à la fois physiquement et psychologiquement. Le système en est arrivé à mieux connaître l’individu moyen que celui-ci ne se connaît lui-même. Cela signifie que dans la majorité des cas, le système détient un plus grand contrôle et un plus grand pouvoir sur les individus que les individus eux-mêmes.
Saturday, January 30, 2016
Exclusion - Jan Theuninck, 2016
exilé dans ton propre pays
ta sale gueule est ton premier délit
homme de l'éternelle errance --
on te doit un peu de tolérance !
© by Jan Theuninck