Wednesday, June 16, 2021

New Normal - Jan Theuninck, 2021


acrylic on canvas, 13 x 18 cm

The "New Normal" is a pseudo-medical social segregation system  based  on a pathologized totalitarian ideology that underlies it, 


The “new normal” will still be presented to us as a concession that will require us to accept the deprivation of freedoms that we had taken for granted, and accordingly we will compromise without understanding the absurdity of our compliance and the obscenity of the demands of those who command us, giving us orders so absurd that they truly require a total abdication of reason and dignity. At each step there is a new turn of the screw and a further step towards the abyss: if we do not stop ourselves in this race towards collective suicide we will never go back. (Mgr Vigano)

La « nouvelle normalité » nous sera encore présentée comme une concession qui nous obligera à accepter la privation de libertés que nous tenions pour acquises, et en conséquence, nous ferons des compromis sans comprendre l’absurdité de notre conformité et l’obscénité des exigences de ceux qui nous commandent, nous donnant des ordres si absurdes qu’ils exigent véritablement une abdication totale de la raison et de la dignité. À chaque pas, il y a un nouveau tour de vis et un pas de plus vers l’abîme : si nous ne nous arrêtons pas dans cette course au suicide collectif, nous ne reviendrons jamais en arrière.(Mgr Vigano)

"The New Normal", a book by Amitai Etzioni, 2014

Amitai Etzioni (born Werner Falk, January 4, 1929) is a German-born Israeli and American sociologist, best known for his work on  communitarianism. 

Jan Theuninck is an adept of anti-communitarianism, tracing the terminology to find an entire system which has infiltrated our governments and was rewriting state policies and objectives. Civil and individual rights and freedoms are abolished and the life becomes micromanaged.

cfr The third way is no way - 2004 (logo ACL)

American normal:

All Neighborhood Plans include a vision for building the character of the neighborhood, and encourage the local participants to identify the types of businesses, people, and behaviors that interfere with their vision. Some Neighborhood Plans include new enforcement procedures that help the community create and build a safer civil society. These plans identify the particular problem people who spread disease, crime, and immorality.!! -->
To rectify identified problems, FBI-COPS created Neighborhood Action Teams, NATS --> program called Weed & Seed identifies the bad weeds and replaces them with good seeds !!

After all we have been through, it isn’t enough just to go back to normal. We have lost too much. History teaches us that things of this magnitude – wars, famines, plagues, events that affect the vast bulk of humanity, as this virus has – they do not just come and go. They can be the trigger for economic and social change.” (Prime Minister Boris Johnson) October, 2020