Au septième jour, Dieu n'était plus enthousiaste à l'idée de remplir des tâches vides de sens !
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Fagospatose - Jan Theuninck, 2001
In European politics, the red ones are eaten by the black ones.
In European politics, the red ones are eaten by the black ones.
Friday, July 1, 2011
Monday, May 16, 2011
Rinascimento - Jan Theuninck, 2009
il rinascimento del totalitarismo / the renaissance of totalitarianism /
de wedergeboorte van het totalitarisme / Die Renaissance des Totalitarismus / возрождение тоталитаризма
Non possiamo rimanere ciechi agli sviluppi contemporanei nel cuore delle nostre “democrazie”….
Wir haben die Sowjets besiegt, inzwischen ein Stasi-Kultur verschlingt Europa ... (Zitat von Jan Theuninck, August 2009)
Les partis d'extrême droite sont la clef pour ouvrir les portes du totalitarisme(Jan Theuninck, Mars 2015)......mais QUI tient cette clef?
"Stalag Zehn B", di Jan Theuninck
il feldwebel era promosso generale
il dottore dell'accampamento, professore
e noi gli ebrei - è banale
noi siamo rimasti ebrei - nessun errore
le feldwebel est devenu général
le docteur du camp, professeur
et nous les juifs - c'est banal -
on est resté juif - pas d'erreur
the feldwebel became a general
the camp doctor, a professor
and we the Jews - it's banal -
we stayed Jewish - no error.
Der Feldwebel ist General geworden,
Der Arzt des Lagers, Professor,
und wir, die Juden - es ist banal -
wir sind jüdisch geblieben - keinen Zweifel!
a káplárból tábornok lett,
a lágerorvosból professzor,
mi zsidók pedig - milyen banális -
zsidók maradtunk - úgy bizony.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Beyond the limit - Jan Theuninck, 2001
Beyond the limit - 2001
Beyond the limit
tempting is
the border area
hanging around
in the gray zone
watching the game
of back and forth
seeing how vanity
and power
push them
beyond the limit
© by Jan Theuninck
Exhibited at Alfa & Omega, Het Perron, Ypres, Belgium from 06.10 until 12.11.17
Particpating artists: Marie Thérèse Dorina De Clercq & Willy Martin, Gilbert Degryse & Marc Debuysere, Patrick Deldaele & Jacob Baert, Nancy Demeester & Ludo Geloen, Hadewijch Everaert & Marc Bungeneers, Jenny Heyman & Jozef Vandromme, Jos Jacobs & Jan Coghe, Stéphanie Leblon & Gerda De Preter, Trees Le Roy & Trees Le Roy, Anne Marchand & Jean-Luc Vanhove, Wim Mouton & Sylvie Marie, Joz Noreille & Jo Noreille, Lieven Porteman & Joost Vanbrussel, Marcel Rademakers & Mark Meekers, Roger Raveel & Roger Verkarre, Lena Recour & Maurice Vandendorpe, Ute Resch & Jeanne Leniere, Bernard Sercu & Etienne Delbaere, Joeri Stubbe & Laurens Stubbe, Jan Theuninck & Jan Theuninck, Caroline Vancoillie & Gabrielle-Denise, Fernand Vanderplancke & Bart J.G. Bruijnen, Claire Vanfleteren & Claire Vanfleteren, Jean-Paul Vanhove & Elisabeth Van Winckel, RoBie Van Outryve & Roger de Neef, Godfried Vervisch & Dirk Clement, Lili Willemsen & Stef Dehollander.
allettante è
la zona di frontiera
nella zona grigia
guardando la partita
di avanti e indietro
vedendo come vanità
e potere
oltre il limite
© by Jan Theuninck
Exhibited at Alfa & Omega, Het Perron, Ypres, Belgium from 06.10 until 12.11.17
Particpating artists: Marie Thérèse Dorina De Clercq & Willy Martin, Gilbert Degryse & Marc Debuysere, Patrick Deldaele & Jacob Baert, Nancy Demeester & Ludo Geloen, Hadewijch Everaert & Marc Bungeneers, Jenny Heyman & Jozef Vandromme, Jos Jacobs & Jan Coghe, Stéphanie Leblon & Gerda De Preter, Trees Le Roy & Trees Le Roy, Anne Marchand & Jean-Luc Vanhove, Wim Mouton & Sylvie Marie, Joz Noreille & Jo Noreille, Lieven Porteman & Joost Vanbrussel, Marcel Rademakers & Mark Meekers, Roger Raveel & Roger Verkarre, Lena Recour & Maurice Vandendorpe, Ute Resch & Jeanne Leniere, Bernard Sercu & Etienne Delbaere, Joeri Stubbe & Laurens Stubbe, Jan Theuninck & Jan Theuninck, Caroline Vancoillie & Gabrielle-Denise, Fernand Vanderplancke & Bart J.G. Bruijnen, Claire Vanfleteren & Claire Vanfleteren, Jean-Paul Vanhove & Elisabeth Van Winckel, RoBie Van Outryve & Roger de Neef, Godfried Vervisch & Dirk Clement, Lili Willemsen & Stef Dehollander.
Over de grens
aanlokkelijk is
het grensgebied
er blijven hangen
in de grijze zone
het spel gadeslaan
van heen en weer
zien hoe ijdelheid
en macht
hen opjaagt
tot ver
over de grens...
aanlokkelijk is
het grensgebied
er blijven hangen
in de grijze zone
het spel gadeslaan
van heen en weer
zien hoe ijdelheid
en macht
hen opjaagt
tot ver
over de grens...
© by Jan Theuninck
Oltre il limite
allettante è
la zona di frontiera
nella zona grigia
guardando la partita
di avanti e indietro
vedendo come vanità
e potere
oltre il limite
© by Jan Theuninck
The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits (Albert Einstein)
Someone tried to destroy it in 2001 (there is a slight dent in the black colour on the left side)
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Die neue Mitte ist eine neue Mythe - Jan Theuninck, 2004 (The third way is no way)
Die neue Mitte ist eine neue Mythe - 2004
The third way is no way !
La terza via non è una via !
La troisième voie est un nouveau mythe!
третий путь не существует способа
(acrylic on canvas, 2004, 70 x 100 cm)
2020 Our Common Destiny & The Anti Communitarian Manifesto :
The progression of recent history clearly shows a dedicated effort to lead the world into unknowingly accepting communitarian solutions.
Communitarianism is the theory that individual rights must be balanced against the rights of the "community." Its many proponents insist that individual rights and liberties pose a real threat to the health and safety of the "community at large." The founders of the Communitarian Network began "shoring up the moral, social and political environment" in the early 1990s. Today the communitarian theory is the basis for hundreds of new global rules and regulations eliminating individual rights
Aujourd'hui, la théorie communautariste est à la base de centaines de nouvelles règles et réglementations mondiales éliminant les droits individuels car les droits et libertés individuels constituent une menace réelle pour la santé et la sécurité de la "communauté dans son ensemble"
Heute ist die kommunitären Theorie die Grundlage für Hunderte von neuen globalen Regeln und Vorschriften die die Rechte des Einzelnen beseitigen
c'est quand on tente d'unifier à tout prix que l'on déchire.
La mutation de la social-démocratie en social-libéralisme a conduit à un déplacement du champ politique vers l'extrême droite
Charlotte Iserbyt served as the head of policy at the Department of Education during the first administration of Ronald Reagan. While working there she discovered a long term strategic plan by the tax exempt foundations to transform America from a nation of rugged individualists and problem solvers to a country of servile, brainwashed minions who simply regurgitate whatever they're told.
The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America
anno 2020 - de eindsprint ?
Henry Kissinger & Bill Gates roepen op tot massavaccinatie en wereldbestuur
Shut up !
don't try to be
who you are
shut up !
some more discipline
and a cheerful face
shut up !
your duty is sacred
work yourself to death
shut up !
your only way
is "their" way
shut up !
© by Jan Theuninck
zwijg !
je mag niet zijn
wie je bent
zwijg !
wat meer discipline
en een blij gezicht
zwijg !
de plicht is heilig
werk je maar dood
zwijg !
je enige uitweg
is "hun" weg
zwijg !
© by Jan Theuninck
tu n’as pas le droit
à être toi
tais-toi !
un peu de discipline
et montre ta bonne mine
tais-toi !
le devoir est sacré
faut se voûter et étouffer
tais-toi !
ton unique destin
est de suivre leur chemin
tais-toi !
© by Jan Theuninck
Schweig !
du darfst nicht sein
wie du bist
Schweig !
etwas mehr Disziplin
und eine freundliche Haltung
Schweig !
die Pflicht ist heilig
du darfst dich zu tode arbeiten
Schweig !
der einzige Ausweg
ist "Ihr" Weg
Schweig !
Communitarian thinking and training is what led to the Covid 19 global lockdowns. It's the key to understanding the whole scam.
The New World Order is a feudal castle hidden behind a facade of
communitarianism (Jan Theuninck, 18.03.2021)
Le Nouvel Ordre Mondial est un château féodal caché derrière une façade de
communautarisme (Jan Theuninck, 18.03.2021)
De Nieuwe Wereld Orde is een feodaal kasteel verborgen achter een façade
van communitarisme (Jan Theuninck, 18.03.2021)
Die Neue Weltordnung ist eine feudale Schloss, die sich hinter einer
Fassade des Kommunitarismus verbirgt (Jan Theuninck, 18.03.2021)
Communitarian thinking and training is what led to the Covid 19 global lockdowns. It's the key to understanding the whole scam.
Niki Friedrich Raapana
Understanding the third way - by Niki Friedrich Raapana
Local Dictatorships by Niki Raapana on Youtube:
Niki Raapana - Local Community Dictatorships - YouTube
Niki Raapana - Local Community Dictatorships - YouTube
Communitarian thinking and training is what led to the Covid 19 global lockdowns. It's the key to understanding the whole covid scam
President Clinton gave DOJ director Janet Reno 8 billion dollars to create a bureau of local police, called Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS). By 1996, COPS
placed over 100,000 officers nationwide: COPS' programs come with the COPS. COPS are an integral participant in helping citizens design U.N. and State legislatively mandated Neighborhood Plans, called Habitat/Localizing Agenda 21. COPS taught locals the "Broken Window Theory,
All Neighborhood Plans include a vision for building the character of the neighborhood, and encourage the local participants to identify the types of businesses, people, and behaviors that interfere with their vision. Some Neighborhood Plans include new enforcement procedures that help the community create and build a safer civil society. These plans identify the particular problem people who spread disease, crime, and immorality.!! -->
To rectify identified problems, FBI-COPS created Neighborhood Action Teams, NATS --> program called Weed & Seed identifies the bad weeds and replaces them with good seeds !!
President Clinton gave DOJ director Janet Reno 8 billion dollars to create a bureau of local police, called Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS). By 1996, COPS
placed over 100,000 officers nationwide: COPS' programs come with the COPS. COPS are an integral participant in helping citizens design U.N. and State legislatively mandated Neighborhood Plans, called Habitat/Localizing Agenda 21. COPS taught locals the "Broken Window Theory,
All Neighborhood Plans include a vision for building the character of the neighborhood, and encourage the local participants to identify the types of businesses, people, and behaviors that interfere with their vision. Some Neighborhood Plans include new enforcement procedures that help the community create and build a safer civil society. These plans identify the particular problem people who spread disease, crime, and immorality.!! -->
To rectify identified problems, FBI-COPS created Neighborhood Action Teams, NATS --> program called Weed & Seed identifies the bad weeds and replaces them with good seeds !!
Hierboven de situatie in de USA in 2001 (ik vermoed dat het in Europa al langer operationeel is: ikzelf word al heel lang gemarteld met chemische en energetische wapens, thuis, in/op de auto, overal in Europa. Enkele keren hebben ze ostentatief getoond hoe ze met omgebouwde smartphones werken - mijn schilderij The third way is no way werd >10 jaar als logo gebruikt door de Anti-Communitaristische Liga)
"Still honored by your gift to the ACL, have proudly used it wherever possible too, like my cover picture here. It was Europeans like you Jan who gave me the strength to keep at the research globally, to widen my understanding beyond how it affects Americans. Truly grateful for your support, encouragement and glorious art that says so much in such bold perfection. I love you."
Niki Friedrich Raapana, January 5, 2022
Niki Friedrich Raapana, January 5, 2022
20 years have passed since i wrote this article about communitarianism. All I'd need to add to make it current is blockchain and Social Credit Scoring. None of the programs we're seeing manifesting now are new or recently developed. The Communitarian Scam is a long con, their big goal date was 2020 and they've met their goals. Human Capital and Social Capital were the more horrifying aspects I uncovered about the plan. The idea that we were commodities and Hidden Human Assets waiting to be tapped sent me on a twenty year course of resistance and dedication to exposing them. I'm happy and relieved to see so many more people standing up against the Communitarians but extremely dismayed by the exclusion of the actual terminology that defines our current global situation. I was mocked, ridiculed, targeted and dismissed as ranting like a lunatic in articles like this one, and those attacks against me continued for two decades. And, no doubt about it, it's this kind of reporting that Rosa Koire and other shills were assigned to silence. Imagine if all the active resisters today had been exposed to everything i learned about the Communitarian community plan. There was already a global network against Communitarianism growing in 2001 prior to the September attacks. The art used as my cover photo is of Belgian artist Jan Theuninck's "The Third Way is No Way". Jan donated it to the Anti Communitarian League website in 2004 or so. Europe has officially been under Communitarian Law since the formation of the EU, unlike the US where the new law was slipped into legislation, programs, policies and plans without the correct attribution. In the US Communitarian Law that violates constitutional law remains illegal and imo it's sedition.
Niki Friedrich Raapana, June 9, 2021
Niki Friedrich Raapana
Niki Friedrich Raapana
Still honored by your gift to the ACL, have proudly used it wherever possible too, like my cover picture here. It was Europeans like you Jan who gave me the strength to keep at the research globally, to widen my understanding beyond how it affects Americans. Truly grateful for your support, encouragement and glorious art that says so much in such bold perfection. I love you.
January 5, 2022
January 5, 2022
Friday, April 1, 2011
West meets East - expo G20 Seoul - by Jan Theuninck, 2010
West meets East - 2010
동안 한국 프레스 센터에서 전시
서울, 한국에서 G20 정상 회의 회의
Exhibited at the Korean Press Center during the
G20 Summit Conference in Seoul, Korea
Belgium as President of the Council of the European Union is
represented by Jan Theuninck with his painting West meets East
catalogue exhibition G20 Korea, 2010:
On the left side:
West meets East by Jan Theuninck
On the right side:
Birds of Paradise by Edmundo Fujita, Brazilian ambassador to Korea
Curator of the exhibition : Hyewon Park
West meets east
Published on Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union (
West meets east
Following the G20 Summit Conference in Seoul, Korea the G20 World Artist Festival is held with participations of artists from G20 member countries at the Art Hall of the Korea Press Center from November 8 through November 14.
Belgium as President of the Council of the European Union is represented by Jan Theuninck with his painting West meets East. With this cultural event "G20 Seoul Summit" will promote economic cooperation as well as cultural exchange between the participating nations of the G20 Seoul Summit.
En marge de la conférence sur le sommet du G20 à Séoul (Corée), le G20 World Artist Festival accueillera des artistes des pays membres du G20 au Art Hall du Korea Press Center, du 8 au 14 novembre.
La Belgique, en tant que Présidente du Conseil de l’Union européenne, est représentée par Jan Theuninck avec sa peinture West meets East. Avec cet événement, le sommet du G20 à Séoul entend promouvoir la coopération économique ainsi que l’échange culturel entre les nations participantes audit sommet.
Na de G20-topconferentie in Seoel, Korea, wordt het G20 Wereldartiestenfestival georganiseerd in de kunsthal van het Korea Press Center. Van 8 tot 14 november zullen artiesten uit de G20-lidstaten er tentoonstellen.
België wordt als voorzitter van de Raad van de Europese Unie vertegenwoordigd door Jan Theuninck met zijn schilderij
West meets East (West ontmoet Oost). Met dit culturele evenement zal de “G20-top van Seoel” de economische samenwerking, maar ook de culturele uitwisseling tussen de deelnemende landen van de G20-top van Seoel promoten.
Belgium as President of the Council of the European Union is represented by Jan Theuninck with his painting West meets East. With this cultural event "G20 Seoul Summit" will promote economic cooperation as well as cultural exchange between the participating nations of the G20 Seoul Summit.
En marge de la conférence sur le sommet du G20 à Séoul (Corée), le G20 World Artist Festival accueillera des artistes des pays membres du G20 au Art Hall du Korea Press Center, du 8 au 14 novembre.
La Belgique, en tant que Présidente du Conseil de l’Union européenne, est représentée par Jan Theuninck avec sa peinture West meets East. Avec cet événement, le sommet du G20 à Séoul entend promouvoir la coopération économique ainsi que l’échange culturel entre les nations participantes audit sommet.
Na de G20-topconferentie in Seoel, Korea, wordt het G20 Wereldartiestenfestival georganiseerd in de kunsthal van het Korea Press Center. Van 8 tot 14 november zullen artiesten uit de G20-lidstaten er tentoonstellen.
België wordt als voorzitter van de Raad van de Europese Unie vertegenwoordigd door Jan Theuninck met zijn schilderij
West meets East (West ontmoet Oost). Met dit culturele evenement zal de “G20-top van Seoel” de economische samenwerking, maar ook de culturele uitwisseling tussen de deelnemende landen van de G20-top van Seoel promoten.
Belgien als Vorsitzender des Rates der Europäischen Union wird von Jan Theuninck vertreten, mit seinem Gemälde „West meets East“.
Mit dieser Kulturveranstaltung wird der "G20 Seoul-Gipfel" die wirtschaftliche Kooperation sowie auch den kulturellen Austausch zwischen den teilnehmenden Nationen des G20-Gipfels in Seoul fördern.
Mit dieser Kulturveranstaltung wird der "G20 Seoul-Gipfel" die wirtschaftliche Kooperation sowie auch den kulturellen Austausch zwischen den teilnehmenden Nationen des G20-Gipfels in Seoul fördern.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
la culture de l'impuissance - Jan Theuninck, 2011
la culture de l’impuissance - 2011
------------------------------ --
"la culture de l’impuissance te met l’idée dans la tête qu'il n’est pas possible de changer les choses" (Eduardo Galeano)
"la culture de l’impuissance te met l’idée dans la tête qu'il n’est pas possible de changer les choses" (Eduardo Galeano)
De cultuur van de aangeleerde hulpeloosheid /
The culture of learned helplessness :
one of the mechanisms used by the organized power
The culture of learned helplessness :
one of the mechanisms used by the organized power
Le modèle de l'impuissance apprise (ou résignation acquise) a été proposé par Martin Seligman, professeur de psychologie expérimentale.
Ce modèle décrit un tableau comportemental qui a été rapproché du désespoir, du renoncement et de la dépression, aussi bien chez l'animal que chez l'homme.
Avec des substances chimiques on obtient le même résultat(culture de Néo-Stasi)
tu n’as pas le droit
à être toi
tais-toi !
un peu de discipline
et montre ta bonne mine
tais-toi !
le devoir est sacré
faut se voûter et étouffer
tais-toi !
ton unique destin
est de suivre leur chemin
tais-toi !
© by Jan Theuninck
De ongelijkheid leidde tot politieke wanhoop. Als mensen het gevoel hebben dat ze geen invloed kunnen uitoefenen, haken ze af: ze gaan niet meer stemmen, ze zijn geen lid meer van de vakbond, en ze kijken niet langer naar het nieuws (dat hen alleen maar confronteert met hun eigen onmacht) Thomas Frank
Shut up !
Le modèle de l'impuissance apprise (ou résignation acquise) a été proposé par Martin Seligman, professeur de psychologie expérimentale.
Ce modèle décrit un tableau comportemental qui a été rapproché du désespoir, du renoncement et de la dépression, aussi bien chez l'animal que chez l'homme.
Avec des substances chimiques on obtient le même résultat(culture de Néo-Stasi)
tu n’as pas le droit
à être toi
tais-toi !
un peu de discipline
et montre ta bonne mine
tais-toi !
le devoir est sacré
faut se voûter et étouffer
tais-toi !
ton unique destin
est de suivre leur chemin
tais-toi !
© by Jan Theuninck
De ongelijkheid leidde tot politieke wanhoop. Als mensen het gevoel hebben dat ze geen invloed kunnen uitoefenen, haken ze af: ze gaan niet meer stemmen, ze zijn geen lid meer van de vakbond, en ze kijken niet langer naar het nieuws (dat hen alleen maar confronteert met hun eigen onmacht) Thomas Frank
don't try to be
who you are
shut up !
some more discipline
and a cheerful face
shut up !
your duty is sacred
work yourself
to death
shut up !
your only way
is "their" way
shut up !
© by Jan Theuninck
Zwijg !
je mag niet zijn
wie je bent
zwijg !
wat meer discipline
en een blij gezicht
zwijg !
de plicht is
werk je maar dood
zwijg !
je enige uitweg
is "hun" weg
zwijg !
© by Jan Theuninck
Schweig !
du darfst nicht sein
wie du bist
Schweig !
etwas mehr
und eine freundliche
Schweig !
die Pflicht ist
du darfst dich zu tode
Schweig !
der einzige Ausweg
ist "Ihr" Weg
Schweig !
© by Jan Theuninck
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