Friday, April 16, 2021

Angel Vaccine - Jan Theuninck, 2021


acrylic & ink on canvas,  13 x 18 cm

Angel Vaccine



Vaccin-faiseur d'anges

DNA-contaminated RNA vaccines, a monstrous crime against humanity
Prof Sucharit Bhakdi: The Eternal Dangers of RNA Vaccines (

large-scale experiments on the population by European political leadership, worse than in the Nazi era 

La vaccinazione non è fatta per guarire una malattia, è fatta per prevenire infezioni, malattie.( Prof.  Luc Montagnier

Prof Dolores Cahill

Secret Docs Reveal Moderna Sent Coronavirus Vaccine To North Carolina University Weeks Before Pandemic

Meer dan ooit zijn de vaccins de weg naar onze vrijheid. (Belgisch Eerste Minister Alexander De Croo op 15 april 2021 op twitter) - conclusie : Impfstoff macht frei ???

On 1st October 2021, Israel Ministry of Health posted on their own Facebook account that there have been very few adverse reactions to the booster shot.  Overnight over 25,000 replies were posted with first hand testimony of adverse reactions. 
(Freedom Israel)

this is why

In het Nederlands:

Professor Bhakdi's oproep aan de oogartsen

Dr Zelenko qui dénonce la possible présence de nanotechnologies dans les vaccins et le brevet déposé par Bill Gates pour une identité numérique.


Sasha Latypova

Carine Knapen

Monday, April 12, 2021

The Great Reset - Jan Theuninck, 2021 / Büyük Sıfırlama


acrylic on canvas, 13 x 18 cm

Here's Prince Charles in a WEF video literally advocating the Great Reset, saying we have no alternative to it.
The establishment has launched its attempted takeover of the West. The media is pretending nothing is going on.

Prince Charles warns of 'dire humanitarian situation' and urges the world to remember those defending human rights in first New Year message(2022)( while promoting the Davos medical genocide)
"we must renounce thinking that our rulers are acting with our good in mind, and more generally we must stop believing that those who speak to us are honest, sincere, and motivated by good principles".(Mgr Vigano, 15 May 2021, "It is our duty to unveil the deception of the Great Reset”)

The great reset BOOK by Klaus Schwab - for FREE

De échte reset is de Going Direct Reset ?
Catherine Austin Fitts -> de contra-revolutie sedert 1997 ofte Going Direct Reset"



Rockefeller thanking Washington Post, NYT & Time for their promises of discretion for 40yrs “it would have been impossible to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity”


Grote Reset is erger dan Hitlers ‘meesterplan’!

Socialist Jacques Attali, 
adviser of national socialist François Mitterrand,
promoter of the socialist pandemical genocide

“Het is verontrustend om te zien hoe alle politieke krachten, ook die waarvan je zou verwachten dat ze zich zouden verzetten tegen de oprichting van deze gezondheidsdictatuur, handlangers zijn geworden van een elite van criminele samenzweerders, machthebbers, magistraten, politiediensten, artsen en wetenschappers, overheids- en privéambtenaren, journalisten, maar ook bisschoppen en priesters, en de leiders van het Vaticaan zelf” Aartsbisschop Vigano, 26 sept.2021

De Duitse kardinaal Müller spreekt van een geplande ´Gleichschaltung´ van de mensen en een mondiale controle-staat door corona maatregelen Met het begrip ´Gleichschaltung´ trekt hij een parallel met het Nationaalsocialisme

Een brief van het WEF gericht aan minister Sigrid Kaag. Citaat: “The Forum will work with your staff to ensure that your participation becomes a major force in shaping the Great Reset.

fascisme, technocratische dictatuur en landverraad Understanding the third way - by Niki Friedrich Raapana

Klaus Schwab's School voor Covid Dictators, het masterplan voor 'Grote Reset'

Gideon van Meijeren, shows everyone who Mark Rutte, the PM of the Netherlands is -----------------------------------

De Grote Reset in het Nederlands = commentaar

--------------------------------------------------------- The future King and his boss

Macron aux mains du Crif

Saturday, April 3, 2021

New World Order - Jan Theuninck, 2021


acrylic on canvas,  13 x 18 cm

The New World Order is a feudal castle hidden behind a facade of communitarianism  (Jan Theuninck, 18.03.2021)

Le Nouvel Ordre Mondial est un château féodal caché derrière une façade de communautarisme (Jan Theuninck, 18.03.2021)

De Nieuwe Wereld Orde is een feodaal kasteel verborgen achter een façade van communitarisme (Jan Theuninck, 18.03.2021) 

Die Neue Weltordnung ist eine feudale Schloss, die sich hinter einer Fassade des Kommunitarismus verbirgt (Jan Theuninck, 18.03.2021)

Jan Theuninck is an adept of anti-communitarianism, tracing the terminology to find an entire system which had infiltrated our governments and was rewriting state policies and objectives. Civil and individual rights and freedoms are abolished and the life becomes micromanaged


"But the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march toward a world government, to create a world system of financial control, in private hands, able to dominate the political system of each country, and the economy of the world as a whole"   (Rockefeller in 1991 !!!)

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Exhibition:   Divulgarte mostra virtuale 2021


The Communitarians creating a supra-national system of "values" that over-rules all national law


Understanding the third way - by Niki Friedrich Raapana
20 years have passed since i wrote this article about communitarianism. All I'd need to add to make it current is blockchain and Social Credit Scoring. None of the programs we're seeing manifesting now are new or recently developed. The Communitarian Scam is a long con, their big goal date was 2020 and they've met their goals. Human Capital and Social Capital were the more horrifying aspects I uncovered about the plan. The idea that we were commodities and Hidden Human Assets waiting to be tapped sent me on a twenty year course of resistance and dedication to exposing them. I'm happy and relieved to see so many more people standing up against the Communitarians but extremely dismayed by the exclusion of the actual terminology that defines our current global situation. I was mocked, ridiculed, targeted and dismissed as ranting like a lunatic in articles like this one, and those attacks against me continued for two decades. And, no doubt about it, it's this kind of reporting that Rosa Koire and other shills were assigned to silence. Imagine if all the active resisters today had been exposed to everything i learned about the Communitarian community plan. There was already a global network against Communitarianism growing in 2001 prior to the September attacks. The art used as my cover photo is of Belgian artist Jan Theuninck's "The Third Way is No Way". Jan donated it to the Anti Communitarian League website in 2004 or so. Europe has officially been under Communitarian Law since the formation of the EU, unlike the US where the new law was slipped into legislation, programs, policies and plans without the correct attribution. In the US Communitarian Law that violates constitutional law remains illegal and imo it's sedition.

Niki Friedrich Raapana, June 9, 2021

9/11 New World order