Monday, September 16, 2024

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

The temptation of Anthony (by Jan Theuninck, 1999)


 acrylic on canvas, 70 x 100 cm

acrylic on canvas, 70 x 100 cm

This work is about a Belgian Military Blackmail game in Charleroi, involving a female officer,  
probably ordered by Jan Theuninck's father, after whose death the neighbors told that he had a homosexual relationship with a local priest in Zonnebeke, a certain Christiaens.
Jan Theuninck's nephew, 18 years old at that time, called that female officer an army mattress.
It's an example of a psychological projection: for more theoretical explanation, the psychological processes are splitting, projection & projective identification. Splitting means not recognizing one's own capacity for hate, cruelty, and destructiveness. The person is blind to the bad in themselves. Instead, they project the badness onto some designated other. And this other person, via the defense of projection, is now seen as the repository of all that is bad and evil and necessary to destroy. That's the projection.
The person now feels fully justified in unleashing
their viciousness and hate on the other person, who is now seen (via projection) as someone monstrous who must be destroyed. If the person who is projected on responds to the provocation with anger, this is now seen as further confirmation of how hateful and destructive they are (this is what is called is "projective identification.") The end result is that the person can deny their own sadism, cruelty, and hate—while simultaneously acting it out without restraint. And feel themselves to be 100% on the side of truth and right as they do it.
cfr Prof. Jonathan Shedler

Q-people by Jan Theuninck, 1999


 acrylic on canvas, 70 x 100 cm

acrylic on canvas, 70 x 100 cm

This work is about a Belgian Military Blackmail game in Charleroi, involving a female officer,  
probably ordered by Jan Theuninck's father, after whose death the neighbors told that he had a homosexual relationship with a local priest in Zonnebeke, a certain Christiaens.
Jan Theuninck's nephew, 18 years old at that time, called that female officer an army mattress.
It's an example of a psychological projection: for more theoretical explanation, the psychological processes are splitting, projection & projective identification. Splitting means not recognizing one's own capacity for hate, cruelty, and destructiveness. The person is blind to the bad in themselves. Instead, they project the badness onto some designated other. And this other person, via the defense of projection, is now seen as the repository of all that is bad and evil and necessary to destroy. That's the projection.
The person now feels fully justified in unleashing
their viciousness and hate on the other person, who is now seen (via projection) as someone monstrous who must be destroyed. If the person who is projected on responds to the provocation with anger, this is now seen as further confirmation of how hateful and destructive they are (this is what is called is "projective identification.") The end result is that the person can deny their own sadism, cruelty, and hate—while simultaneously acting it out without restraint. And feel themselves to be 100% on the side of truth and right as they do it.
cfr Prof. Jonathan Shedler

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Saturday, September 16, 2023

Sea Level Rise in Holland by Jan Theuninck, 2023


Blauw Gestipt Oranje by Jan Theuninck, 2023


Ukrainian Battlefield by Jan Theuninck, 2023


The Empire by Jan Theuninck, 2023

Robert Kennedy talks to Russell Brand about how the NSA was in charge of Operation Warp Speed, the history of the United States bioweapons program, and why Anthony Fauci is the highest-paid government official in history: "The weird thing about the pandemic was this constant involvement by the CIA, the intelligence agencies, and the military. When Operation Warp Speed made its presentation to the FDA committee called VRBPAC... It shocked everybody because it wasn't HHS, CDC, NIH, FDA, or a public health agency. It was the NSA, a spy agency that was the top agency that led Operation Warp Speed, and the second agency was the Pentagon
The vaccines were developed not by Moderna and Pfizer. They were developed by NIH. The patents are owned 50% by NIH. Nor were they manufactured by Pfizer or by Moderna. They were manufactured by military contractors, and basically, Pfizer and Moderna were paid to put their stamps on those vaccines as if they came from the pharmaceutical industry. This was a military project from the beginning. One of the things I uncovered in my book is twenty different simulations of coronavirus and pandemics that started in 2001. The first one was right before the anthrax attacks, and the CIA sponsored them all. The last one was Event 201, which was in October 2019. One of the participants was Avril Haines, the former Deputy Director of the CIA, who has been managing coverups her entire life. She did the Guantanamo Bay and others. She is now the Director of National Intelligence, which makes her the highest-ranking officer at the NSA, which managed the pandemic... All of these simulations were about how you use the pandemic to clamp down on censorship. How do you use it to force lockdowns."


No-Touch Torture by Jan Theuninck, 2023

The ongoing and blatant global holocaust of covert persecution and assault of innocent and ethical civilians (“Targeted Individuals”) with ElectroMagnetic Radiation (EMR) Neuroweapons, Scalar Weapons, Sonic Weapons, Directed Energy Weapons, wrongfully-named “Non-Lethal” Weapons, possessed and used today by unscrupulous governments, militaries, and Intel agencies.

In a traditional totalitarian regime, the government uses arbitrary violence to control every aspect of public and private life

energy weapons 

The US military and CIA uses energy weapons (microwave and sonic) to torture innocent US citizens for various purposes

Si le documentaire d'Auberi Edler explique, démontre, il pose aussi des questions. Au nom de la peur, jusqu'à quel point sommes-nous prêts à aller?

How it works....
<<Severe personality problems find *camouflage.* No one thinks "I'm a sadist" or "I'm a malignant narcissist."
They find a belief system/social group that validates their most hateful, destructive impulses & construes them as virtues.
The most toxic and hateful people in the world are 100% convinced they fight for what is true and right.
For colleagues looking for more theoretical explanation, the psychological processes are splitting, projection & projective identification. Splitting means not recognizing one's own capacity for hate, cruelty, and destructiveness. The person is blind to the bad in themselves.
Instead, they project the badness onto some designated other. And this other person, via the defense of projection, is now seen as the repository of all that is bad and evil and necessary to destroy. That's the projection.
The person now feels fully justified in unleashing
their viciousness and hate on the other person, who is now seen (via projection) as someone monstrous who must be destroyed. If the person who is projected on responds to the provocation with anger, this is now seen as further confirmation of how hateful and destructive they are (this is what is called is "projective identification.") The end result is that the person can deny their own sadism, cruelty, and hate—while simultaneously acting it out without restraint. And feel themselves to be 100% on the side of truth and right as they do it.>> Prof Jonathan Shedler

IG Lauterbach Farben AG by Jan Theuninck, 2022

Mein Statement zu den sogenannten „RKI Files“. Aufklärung ist gut, aber wir dürfen nicht durch Einmischung fremder Regierungen Verschwörungstheorien in Sozialen Medien entstehen lassen. Das ⁦⁩ hat wissenschaftlich unabhängig viel geleistet

Robert Kennedy talks to Russell Brand about how the NSA was in charge of Operation Warp Speed, the history of the United States bioweapons program, and why Anthony Fauci is the highest-paid government official in history: "The weird thing about the pandemic was this constant involvement by the CIA, the intelligence agencies, and the military. When Operation Warp Speed made its presentation to the FDA committee called VRBPAC... It shocked everybody because it wasn't HHS, CDC, NIH, FDA, or a public health agency. It was the NSA, a spy agency that was the top agency that led Operation Warp Speed, and the second agency was the Pentagon.

The vaccines were developed not by Moderna and Pfizer. They were developed by NIH. The patents are owned 50% by NIH. Nor were they manufactured by Pfizer or by Moderna. They were manufactured by military contractors, and basically, Pfizer and Moderna were paid to put their stamps on those vaccines as if they came from the pharmaceutical industry. This was a military project from the beginning. One of the things I uncovered in my book is twenty different simulations of coronavirus and pandemics that started in 2001. The first one was right before the anthrax attacks, and the CIA sponsored them all. The last one was Event 201, which was in October 2019. One of the participants was Avril Haines, the former Deputy Director of the CIA, who has been managing coverups her entire life. She did the Guantanamo Bay and others. She is now the Director of National Intelligence, which makes her the highest-ranking officer at the NSA, which managed the pandemic... All of these simulations were about how you use the pandemic to clamp down on censorship. How do you use it to force lockdowns."

Friday, August 18, 2023

Monkeypox by Jan Theuninck, 2022


Telkens ik naar Gent ga is er daar een uitbraak van apenpokken... 
even monkeys fall from trees.....

WHO admits monkeypox is "side effect" of Covid 'vaccine' (October 12, 2024)


FDA admits monkeypox vaccine linked to death in unvaccinated people through contact with vaccinated people (Serptember 12, 2024)

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Facts? Science? Ideology!!! by Jan Theuninck, 2022




How it works....
<<Severe personality problems find *camouflage.* No one thinks "I'm a sadist" or "I'm a malignant narcissist."
They find a belief system/social group that validates their most hateful, destructive impulses & construes them as virtues.
The most toxic and hateful people in the world are 100% convinced they fight for what is true and right.
For colleagues looking for more theoretical explanation, the psychological processes are splitting, projection & projective identification. Splitting means not recognizing one's own capacity for hate, cruelty, and destructiveness. The person is blind to the bad in themselves.
Instead, they project the badness onto some designated other. And this other person, via the defense of projection, is now seen as the repository of all that is bad and evil and necessary to destroy. That's the projection.
The person now feels fully justified in unleashing
their viciousness and hate on the other person, who is now seen (via projection) as someone monstrous who must be destroyed. If the person who is projected on responds to the provocation with anger, this is now seen as further confirmation of how hateful and destructive they are (this is what is called is "projective identification.") The end result is that the person can deny their own sadism, cruelty, and hate—while simultaneously acting it out without restraint. And feel themselves to be 100% on the side of truth and right as they do it.>> Prof Jonathan Shedler

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Rimbaud Le Matin - Jan Theuninck, 2022

 (British art collection)

Rimbaud Mauvais Sang - Jan Theuninck, 2022

 (French art collection)

Rimbaud et moi de Collectif

Rimbaud et moi de Collectif

Catégorie(s) : Théâtre et Poésie => Poésie

La note : 10 étoiles
Visites : 1 147 

Rimbaud et moi

L’ouvrage « Rimbaud et moi », qui rassemble 59 artistes de par le monde et publié aux éditions du Pont de l’Europe, sort alors qu’une polémique pour savoir si Rimbaud et Verlaine doivent entrer au panthéon, bat son plein. L’absurdité d’une telle proposition a de quoi laisser pantois. Outre que les vies de nos deux auteurs furent loin d’être exemplaires à plus d’un titre, il convient de rappeler qu’elles se sont érigées sur le mépris de toute valeur institutionnelle et le rejet, inconditionnel, de toute forme de réappropriation bourgeoise venant de l’ordre établi. Mais il ne s’agit pas là de donner du grain à moudre à ceux qui confondent hommage nécessaire et instrumentalisation de la mémoire nationale. Mais c’est bien d’hommage dont il est question avec ce livre. Par hommage, il faut exclure ici toute forme de complaisance. Certains participants de ce livre n’hésitent pas en effet à confesser ce pour quoi Rimbaud les a d’abord laissés de marbre. Avant de revenir sur les raisons qui expliquent pourquoi il est devenu indispensable à leur vie. Car Rimbaud n’est pas uniquement un poète surdoué aux vers impeccables, il est un centre essentiel pour qui tente de donner du sens à sa vie à travers l’écriture. Que Rimbaud soit on ne peut plus actuel, nul n’en doute, pas même ses quelques détracteurs. Ainsi, le poète et artiste belge Jan Theuninck voit dans la saison en enfer, un livre prophétique qui annonce les dérives totalitaires des XXè et XXIè siècles : « Rimbaud est toujours d’actualité, maintenant que nous vivons une saison en enfer dans une civilisation qui s’oriente vers un nouvel ordre mondial ». Mais que Rimbaud nous soit aussi absolument indispensable, telle est ou bout du compte la démonstration que nous dispense ce livre à travers des contributions toutes plus lumineuses que les autres, mais avec un dénominateur commun : un amour inconditionnel, qui est bien plus que du simple respect, pour le poète de Charleville et son œuvre. Avec sa série de portraits photographiques subversifs réalisée à New-York, David Wojnarowicz aura ainsi montré que le poète touche universellement artistes de tout lieu et de tout temps. Preuve nous est donnée que son mystère et sa force, loin de s’épuiser, ne font que s’accroître au fil du temps. Car comme le rappelle magistralement André Chenet, « à partir de ce météore vif-argent, la poésie accomplit non seulement un bond prodigieux mais s’expose à un retournement hallucinant qui la ramène aux incantations magiques des chamans, aux voyances vertigineuses des augures antiques, aux sources vivifiantes des langages prophétiques. » De sorte que si une aura sacrale doit encore envelopper le mystère Rimbaud, qu’elle ne nous vienne pas d’un désir institutionnel de panthéonisation, mais bien de la puissance intrinsèque de son œuvre conçue comme un acte magique de voyance illuminative."

Julien Miavril